From a piece of Furniture owned by Terry Bernardo…

Terry’s letter has more lies than paragraphs.
Here is the BIG WHOPPER at the end of the first paragraph:

“…we are now left with an OPEN SEAT for the new 51st senate district, a seat we cannot afford to lose.”

Bullshit!… according to Freeman Online:

KINGSTON, N.Y. — Former Ulster County Legislature Chairwoman Terry Bernardo has filed petitions to take on Republican incumbent Sen. Peter Oberacker for the GOP line in the race for the 51st state Senate District.

The two will face off in an Aug. 23 primary election for the right to run on the GOP line in the Nov. 8 general election.

Take a look at what Terry Bernardo considers an open seat:

Let’s send Terry back to Len on August 23 primary election…


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