Skating through the system?

Dump Terry Bernardo

About a year ago, a pillar of our community explained to me – with indignation – how Len and Terry Bernardo, owners of Skate Time 209, failed to meet the job targets promised in the original IDA application. He even suggested that I should FOIL the relevant documents and make the findings public.

Now, it seems that the Ulster County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) is finally taking a more aggressive stance toward the businesses that are not meeting the job targets promised under their IDA agreements.

    The IDA board voted Wednesday to reduce the Sportsdome’s payment-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement by an estimated $20,000 over the next three years, a cut in benefits of more than 40 percent over that period.

    The Sportsdome, located in Milton, was supposed to add 16 jobs but only created two, not including referees who work as independent contractors. The IDA’s aggressive stance toward the Sportsdome is part of its new accountability strategy. The board is applying a formula that decreases benefits by 50 percent of a project’s under-performance, said Chairperson David O’Halloran during the IDA’s Wednesday meeting.

It is high time Bernardos’ under-performance also triggers an appropriate action from IDA. Enough lame excuses already. I hope the community pillar agrees with me.

The Times Herald-Record published today (September 6, 2012) more details regarding the under-performing projects:

    Skate Time 209 — which applied to the IDA as TLB Management — projected 37 jobs but only has nine, according to IDA documentation.

– Jon Dogar-Marinesco

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7 Responses to Skating through the system?

  1. Anonymous says:

    I know I agree with you !

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wow that’s the pot calling the kettle black.

    The Bernardos created jobs. Maybe not as many as they hoped to but they created jobs. They are also not in default on any loans. Their business is a success.

    You and Manu built your business and totally failed at it. You created no jobs. You defaulted on your loans. You went bankrupt and left your creditors holding the bag. Not the government but private companies which are out money they should have been paid.

    And what happened to that grant for your barn? Damn thing is still falling down. What did you spend it on? Did you give it back or use it up? What was that like 50 thousand bucks? What did you do with it?

    Why is the county government more important than the banks you screwed? Why are people who don’t create any jobs more important than people who do? Why are people who own a business nobody every visits better than people who built a business which gives our kids a place to go and have fun instead of hanging out and getting in trouble? What makes you, a nasty, offensive failed artist who has never done anything good for your community, better than people who smile and compliment and finally gave us someplace for our kids.

    You know, when you screw people who thought you were their friends, they know your secrets. LIttle by little they’re going to come out.

  3. Anonymous says:

    We the taxpayers of this county should not pay for other peoples taxes. They didn’t meet the requirements, now they have to pay the tax man. Plain and simple.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The skatetime taxes are only part of it. The bigger picture is the corruption in the IDA and County, politics, elections……It seems to be never ending. I for one am very sick of it. Sometimes I am ashamed to be a Republican.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Numerous times Terry has said her salary to be chairman is peanuts. I guess shes making up for it elsewhere.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Jon and Manuela got no tax breaks when they opened their business. Banks take risks every time they loan money. Taxpayer dollars though should be paid unless you hold up your end of the bargain. And although awarded a grant opportunity, they never actually received the grant.
    Need to learn the facts.

  7. Anonymous says:

    September 6th 2:34pm….
    Apparently you don’t know much of anything, secrets or facts. You are feeding into and believing the Bernardo lies and propaganda.

What do you have to say?